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Easter eggs?

Insects abdomen are used for digestion, respiration, excretion, and reproduction.

Digestion and Excretion: Insects have a full digestory system divided into 3 parts (foregut, midgut, and hindgut). They also have salivary glands. Do you know that the saliva of mosquitoes contains a drug that acts like an anesthetic? Thet's why we don't feel them biting us!

Respiration: Insects don't have noses like humans and other animals, instead, they have small holes in their abdomen! 

Reproduction: Do you know that almost all female insects are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs?

Watch the summary below about their abdomen! What are some curiosities about your favourite insect?

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Minicasos do caso: Easter eggs, I believe I can fly and...